Laboratory-Pathology Lab
Know Your Blood Components Better
Janta X-Ray Clinic is one of the leaders in services of bio chemistry, haematology, immunology and PCR in New Delhi, Tilak Nagar. We have our Headquarter in Tilak Nagar, West Delhi and we have been serving people for diagnostic testing, information and services over 40 years in a row. Our main motto is to provide the best services possible, with a testing capability that is unparallel in today's market. Besides from our excellence in quality service, we are distinguished from other laboratories through our quality control (NABL accredited) and exceptionally fast turnaround time (most of the reports are shared the very same day and in case of emergencies, report can even be shared in few hours). A professional team which is highly dedicated towards customer service which we are growing exceptionally well in number of our pathologists and laboratory staff which are ready to work around the clock and business support functions enables our team to deliver on our promises with customers, With an expert team of doctors working in our laboratories, we provide various types of diagnostics tests in our same centers.
Blood related issues?
Haematology is the branch of medicine science that relates with the study of the cause, prognosis, treatment, and the prevention of diseases related to blood. It includes treating diseases that hamper the production of blood and its contents, like blood proteins, blood cells, hemoglobin, bone marrow, platelets, spleen, blood vessels and the mechanism of coagulation. Fasting is not mandatory in all the tests under haematology, but it is always advisable to contact Star team and book an appointment a day prior to your tests, so that we can help patients towards steps to be taken prior to the tests.
Weak Immune System?
Immunology is the branch of science that studies the diseases caused by disfunctionality of the immune system (failure or any aberrant action, and malignant growth of the cellular elements of the human body). It also includes diseases of other systems, where immune reactions have important part in the pathology and clinical features. The diseases that are generated by disorders of the immune system fall into two broad categories naming autoimmunity (the immune system attacks its own host body) and immunodeficiency, (parts of immune system fail to provide an adequate response).Various diagnostics tests are designed to access diseases caused due to weak immune system. At Star we have advanced and patient centric machines, which not only share accurate reports but are also quick in testing and even, ease doctors with detailed study and diagnostics.
Body Fluid analysis.
Bio chemistry is the branch of chemistry that is majorly concerned with testing and study of bodily fluids for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. These tests are performed on any kind of body fluids, but mostly on the serum of plasma. The key machine used for tests are Vitros 5600, this is dry chemistry analyzer thus no water is needed, Therefore, there is less chance of interference with magnesium and calcium salts. Since fresh micro slides are used for every new sample therefore chances of carryovers are very less.
Suffering from infection.
Microbiology in medicine is the part of medical science connected with the control, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. For the improvement of health, Microbiology studies several clinical applications of microbes.