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Fetal Echocardiography: Procedure, Types and Uses

Fetal echocardiography is an ultrasound test that uses sound waves to assess the structure and functioning of a developing baby’s heart. It produces detailed images that can be used to identify defects in the structure of the heart and rhythm issues.

It is usually performed in the second trimester of pregnancy. A fetal echo scan allows your obstetrician to examine your developing baby’s heart chambers and valves, and blood vessels that carry blood to and from the heart.

An obstetrician may order a fetal echocardiogram if a specific congenital heart defect runs in the family or the woman has a health condition that can affect the baby’s heart structure.

Overview of a Fetal Echocardiogram

Winsberg was the first investigator to use fetal echocardiography in 1972. Since then it has become a popular tool for studying the anatomy of a baby’s heart.

A fetal echocardiogram is performed the same way as a regular ultrasound.

Types of Fetal Echocardiography in Delhi

  • 2-D echocardiography
  • 4-D echocardiography
  • Doppler echocardiography

To ensure accurate results, choose a reliable diagnostic center near you.

What is a Fetal Echocardiogram?

A fetal echocardiogram is performed during pregnancy to study the structure of the developing baby’s heart and to check if it is functioning properly. It is a useful tool for detecting congenital heart defects or abnormalities early.

When performed by an expert, a fetal echocardiogram is safe. Because high-frequency sound waves are used to create detailed images of the baby’s heart, the baby isn’t exposed to harmful radiation.

Fetal Ecocardiogram Cost

Fetal echo test price typically varies between INR 4,000 - INR 5,000 or more depending on the type and complexity of the procedure. The fetal 2D echo price is lower than fetal 3D echo price.

Different Fetal Echocardiography Types

A fetal echocardiogram is usually recommended when the mother has diabetes or the baby is at a higher risk of congenital heart defects. Here are some common types of fetal echocardiography.

  • 2-D echocardiography- Is the most common type of echocardiography that generates a cross-sectional view of the baby’s heart
  • Doppler echocardiography- A doppler echocardiography allows your obstetrician to measure the speed at which blood flows through the baby’s heart

Cost of a Fetal Echocardiogram

Some factors that can affect the cost of a fetal echocardiogram include the type of equipment and technology used, whether additional diagnostic tests are required, facility location, and provider’s fee.

What is a Fetal Echocardiogram With Contrast

A fetal echocardiogram with contrast is performed using a non-toxic contrast agent to improve image quality. A fetal echocardiogram with contrast is rarely ordered as fetal echocardiography uses advanced ultrasound technology that generates high-resolution images without a contrast agent.

3D/4D Fetal Echocardiography

3D/4D fetal echocardiography is the most advanced type of fetal echocardiography. The technology is designed to enhance images of cardiac structures and help doctors see how the heart functions as blood flows. Doctors can also use the technology to perform a detailed assessment of complex malformations.

Fetal Echocardiogram Appointments, Duration, and Waiting

  • Procedure: You lie down on a bed and the technician applies a clear gel on your abdomen. As the professional moves the transducer across your abdomen, the sound waves create detailed images of your baby’s heart.
  • Patient movement: The technician may instruct you to move into different positions to capture images from multiple angles.
  • Duration: A fetal echocardiogram usually takes anywhere between 30 minutes and an hour.

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