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What Is Tuberculosis and Its Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Prevention, Test

What Is Tuberculosis and Its Symptoms, Causes,  Treatment, Prevention, Test

In recent times, many people are diagnosed with various diseases, and tuberculosis is one of them. This can happen due to plenty of reasons. But once this is detected, proper treatment is important. You will have to ensure that you choose the right kind of doctor and consultation for the treatment.

What Is Tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis, which is also known as TB, is one of the infectious diseases. This is very common in people. Due to its bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, this affects the human lungs. Eventually, it is a serious case that needs proper treatment.

If you want to know about this disease in detail, then it is imperative to know that the bacteria spread through the air and from an individual to another. If a person sneezes or coughs, the bacteria spreads out in the air, and it attacks other’s lungs. Being infectious, people should take precautions. Though it mainly attacks your lungs, doctors say that it can also affect other organs like the kidney, spine, or brain.

A Brief to Know About the Disease

Numbers of people ask about the symptoms of tuberculosis. This particular disease grows gradually, and this might take a few days before you notice that you are not feeling well. Your signs may not start until months or even years after you are affected initially. If you are diagnosing this disease, you will see that this infection might go through three different stages.

Primary TB Infection

The very first stage is when bacteria enter your body. Primary infection happens in a lot of people without certain immunity. There are numbers of adults and children out there who have not primarily been exposed to Mycobacterium tuberculosis can face this issue.

When you want to know the causes of tuberculosis, you must know that Mycobacterium is the primary cause. Sometimes, it causes no signs in most people, but a lot of people have a fever. This is why; proper treatment is important.

Latent TB Infection

These TB bacteria live in the human body without making you sick. It is known as the latent TB infection. They do not have any signs and symptoms but can develop active TB disease.

Active Disease

If you talk about this disease, then you will have to know it is contagious. This can be easily transmitted from one person to another. This is spread through the air mostly.

What Are the Symptoms Of Tuberculosis?

  • Chest Pain
  • Cough (if it lasts for almost two weeks)
  • Night sweats
  • Thick mucus or blood while coughing 
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Tiredness or weakness
  • Fever
  • Not wanting to eat
  • Swollen neck gland(s)

How to Prevent Tuberculosis?

When a person is diagnosed with this illness, they have to go for treatment of tuberculosis. Doctors say that prevention is the key to stopping this particular transmission of TB. It is a preventable disease when this is detected and treated early.

If you contact somebody who has active tuberculosis or thinks you may have, you should consult your healthcare provider. When you plan to travel to another nation with high TB rates, you will have to take suggestions from the health care provider or any travel health care clinic. If you believe you are at risk of getting tuberculosis, you should ask about getting a skin test:

  • before your trip
  • after your trip

How Is Tuberculosis Diagnosed?

To diagnose this illness, you need to know about tests. The most regularly used diagnostic tool for TB is a simple skin test, though blood tests are becoming more commonplace.

What Is a Tuberculosis Test?

One of the important tests to know is the blood test. This is used to confirm or even rule out latent or tuberculosis. These tests can easily measure your immune system’s reaction to tuberculosis bacteria.


  • Imaging Tests

When your skin test comes positive, your health clinics will likely order a chest X-ray or a CT scan. This might show white spots in the lungs where your immune system has different TB bacteria. CT scans offer more detailed images rather than X-rays.


  • Sputum Tests

There are lots of tests available that help to diagnose this issue. If a chest X-ray shows symptoms of tuberculosis, your health expert might take samples of your sputum.

Treatment of TB

When you have TB or notice the signs, you will have to take suggestions from the experts. One of the most usual protective therapies is the regular dose of the antibiotic isoniazid (INH) taken as the single daily pill for six to nine months. You are not infectious when you have latent TB.

A healthy immune system is extremely crucial in recent times. To get rid of this issue or treat this illness, consulting a reputed and experienced doctor is necessary. This is significant to finish the medicine and take the medication exactly as prescribed. Knowing the prevention is extremely significant, and that is why; you should take the medication properly.

Disclaimer: The information on this website should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care or advice. Contact a health expert if you have questions about your health.

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