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Kidney Stone Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid | Chart

Kidney Stone Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid | Chart

Kidney stones are kind of hard and small deposits in the urinary tract. When it develops, there is a decrease in urine with an increase in other substances like salts and minerals. But the change in diet plan and lifestyle can prevent it from getting again and making the situation worse. It is better to follow a kidney stone diet chart that the physician recommends and maintain good health before and after the surgery. Besides, medical treatment will prevent the stone back.

Include Healthy Food and Drinks for Diet

To avoid kidney stone problems, some useful health tips can take you a long way and would maintain good health. Do not try any random diet; instead, follow the one that your dietician recommends to get suitable results in a quick time. Considering your physical condition, take suitable advice from a physician and dietician.

Try to Maintain Hydration Level

Staying hydrated is important as it helps dilute chemicals that trigger the kidney. Twelve glasses of water are a normal recommendation by doctors in a day.

Boost Citrus Intake

Include more citrus-rich fruits and juices to prevent stones that happen due to natural citrates. When wondering which fruit is good for kidney stones, options like grapefruit, lemons, oranges are good sources.

Increase Your Calcium Intake

The options with high calcium and vitamin D are good food for kidney stones instead of taking supplements that may trigger the formation of stone. The sources of calcium are yoghurt, cottage cheese, milk, and types of cheese. It is important to have more dietary calcium in each meal.

The source of vegetables to avoid for kidney stones that are rich in calcium are tofu, legumes, dark green vegetables, seeds, nuts, blackstrap molasses. You can also try milk that doesn’t have lactose, fortified milk, or goat milk. Besides, try having food that has high vitamin D ingredients as it helps absorb more calcium. In this relation, fatty fish, egg yolk, cheese, and salmon are good options.

What should you avoid in Kidney Stone?

  • Limit Intake of Salt

A high level of sodium can boost the calcium build-up in urine. Try not to add extra salt in food and check its level in processed food to know that avoid taking sodium. It will be good for your health when diagnosed with kidney stone problems. Even if you order vegetable juice outside, it can have a high sodium level. When eating outside, it is better to restrict say no to the use of salt for any dish you order.

  • Lower Intake of Animal Protein

When it comes to food to avoid kidney stones, restrict intake of animal protein. Source of food like red meat, poultry, fish, chicken, and eggs will increase the level of uric acid, which is not good for kidney stone problems. If you start taking large protein parts, it may reduce the chemical present in urine that is known as citrate. The main task of citrate is to prevent the formation of kidney stones.

As an alternative to animal protein, it is better to include options like chia seeds, hummus, and Greek yogurt in your diet for good results. Protein is an important part of your daily diet, and you should take suitable guidance from a physician to have its correct intake. Get the list of food for kidney stone removal that would prevent its formation again and affect your health.

  • Do not take Soft Drinks

Any type of cola drink has a high rate of phosphate, a chemical that can trigger stone formation. Either limit or eliminate the intake of sugar. Added sugars are also forms of sugars. Moreover, syrups are added to some processed food which is not a good option either. When you take food with added fructose or sucrose, it may trigger a chance of kidney stone.

So, keep a check on daily sugar intake and the ones that are in fruits, cake, drinks, and juices. When searching for the best fruits for kidney stones, you should include the one with a good amount of citrus. Other fruits available may not be suitable in the diet plan for kidney stones. Try to avoid taking vitamin C supplements that may not be suitable for the ones having kidney stones.

Tips to Maintain Kidney Stone Diet

You should follow a suitable kidney stone diet plan as your physician recommends preventing any worst situation. It is better not to delay the matter once diagnosed, and you should follow the correct diet and lifestyle to prevent its formation. If you do not follow it and avoid taking foods that cause kidney stones, it may get them again. When having stones, doctors will recommend some diagnostic tests to understand the type and position of your kidney stone.

In this regard, some of the important tests to do are CT scan abdomen and ultrasound whole abdomen. You can opt for the tests from a reliable source and know about the actual position and condition of the kidney stone. After thorough checking of the reports, the doctor would suggest a suitable diet plan to prevent its formation. Tips would include the following:

  • Restrict intake of animal protein
  • Drink twelve glasses of water daily
  • Try to drink citrus rich fruit juice – orange juice
  • Try to include calcium-rich food items for meals – at least thrice a day
  • Do not take drink and food high on phosphates and oxalates
  • Do not take food that tends to dehydrate well, like alcohol

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